hit me :)


Saturday, July 17, 2010

before you, my life was like a moonless nite.
very dark, but there were stars-points of light n reason..
and then you shot across my sky like a meteor..
suddenly everything was on fire..
there was beauty .
when you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon..
everything went black..
nothing had change but my eyes were blinded by the light..
i couldn't see the stars anymore..
and there was no more reason for anything...


kata-kata edward kepada bella..=)

tapi untuk aku??
there's so much reason for me to moves on..

btw, seminggu di usm tersangat la busy menguruskan segala macam benda termasuk lah hal berkaitan pbsm n pasal pelajaran..
minggu ni lah sibuk nak meeting pbsm (ops, pasni tiap minggu ada meeting sebenarnya =.=") , nak daftar tutorial, daftar lab.. beli buku la..
dalam sedang nak berjimat cermat nak simpan duit, usm ni buat pulak ekspo ict..
sape soh wat jualan shawl haa?? =.="
dah tau aku addicted dengan shawl, memang la aku akan beli.. dapat 2 'ketol' shawl semalam..;)
n beli jugak novel "AKU BUKAN BILLY MILLIGAN" karya Norhayati Berahim...
tak habes lagi baca, tapi so far menarik laa.. beli la kalo nak..hoho..;)
ok, esok aku ada kursus kepimpinan pbsm. so, chow dulu laaa... 
esok or lusa or tulat aku datang lagi laa menyapu sawang kat blog ni.... =)
ok, babai...! (: 

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